In other words "Think for Yourself - just make sure the conclusions you reach are the same as ours".
Bungi Bill
JoinedPosts by Bungi Bill
Pretend to support Critical Thinking, but forbid it when directed toward the "leadership"
by doubtfull1799 inthis from the latest watchtower article on propaganda:.
"keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if peo- ple .
Pretend to honour principles, but make laws instead!
by doubtfull1799 inthis from the latest watchtower question from readers:.
"how a christian chooses to protect him- self, his family, or his possessions is, of course, largely a personal matter, as is his choice of employment.
that said, bible principles reflect god’s wisdom and his love for us.
Bungi Bill
Talk about another Tulmud!
A major misadventure!
by Bungi Bill inhi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Bungi Bill
Great Teacher - with the number of naturally occurring hot springs in this district, that might be a real possibility!
Otherwise, I started working again today, on a part time basis, and limited strictly to office work. So far so good!
Are there any members here from Tasmania??
by stuckinarut2 injust curious if there are any members from tasmania, australia?.
keep yourself annonymous if you wish, but im just curious.. pm me if you prefer.. .
Bungi Bill
No longer live in Tassie! Still have a house in Longford (20 km out of Launceston). However, employment issues have seen me now resident on the other side of the Tasman Sea.
Has anyone here joined a different church after ditching the JWs?
by NikL ini am just curious.. i have a cousin who is a baptist and his church streams their sunday services and i've been checking them out before i go to meeting with my jw wife.. i haven’t been to a church except for the occasional funeral and wedding and the only sermons i had heard were the tel-evangelist type.
anyway, all the church bashing by jws over the years made me unsure what to expect and i was pleasantly surprised.
they do use the bible and they don't spend the whole time begging for money.
Bungi Bill
Apart from attending funerals, I have attended church only once - and that was purely as a favour to a friend who was experiencing some problems.
I will say that that particular church offered helpful and extremely professional counselling for those experiencing such difficulties. The church's "counseller" was in fact a properly trained health professional who worked alongside, but still independently of, the church's priest. (Contrast that with the JWs, where a Kangaroo Court comprising of one Toilet Cleaner, one Boilermaker and one Construction Labourer tried to deal with an attempted suicide - as happened in the case of my eldest daughter!)
Other than that, I have kept away from religion in any of its forms.
Do You Know Any JWs That Were Wealthy AFTER They Became Witnesses?
by minimus inthe only witnesses i knew that had money were those that either had family businesses or had money before they got into the religion.
Bungi Bill
I know of two persons who became well off after becoming JWs. Also, both of these guys were self-made (one, in particular, having been born into near-poverty).
Whether this played any part or not I can't say, but both were graduates of Gilead (with one serving as a missionary in South East Asia).
How deep is the rot?
by JeffT inby now it seems obvious that the gb and other leaders of the wtbs are corrupt.
the pedo scandal and various financial schemes are sustained by either lack of concern or greed at the top.
my question is how far down the food chain does this go?
Bungi Bill
There would certainly be persons around "in the know" but who are still just playing the system for whatever they can get out of it (position, prestige or whatever) - or at the very best, are not prepared to take the consequences of doing otherwise. These could be found at all levels in the organisation. Truth be told, I have known a few of them myself!
This situation is by no means unique to the Jehovahs Witnesses, either. An interesting read for me was Albert Speer's Inside the Third Reich. Speer occupied a very privileged position within the Nazi heirarchy, yet was not exactly a fool. Certainly by the latter part of the Nazi era (if not before), he saw through it all as evil. Yet, he readily admitted going along with it simply for what he could get out of it.
- i.e. Speer's background was only that of a humble architect. However, by playing the Nazi system for what he could, Albert Speer got to be Hitler's Minister of War Production - a position that placed him fully in charge of all manufacturing activities throughout occupied Europe, and answerable only to Hitler (at least until his own conscience and the Allied War Crimes Tribunal caught up with him, anyway!)).
Others who lived under communist rule in Eastern Europe tell of similar experiences. By the early 1970s (if not earlier) everybody knew communism was complete nonsense. However, nearly everbody still pretended to go along with it, because they , likewise, were not prepared to take the consequences of doing otherwise.
In addition to this, you can get the situation whereby if people hear enough lies told for long enough (whether told by themselves or others), then they can end up believing it themselves. An example of this was the Englishman, Robert Ford, who was captured during by the Chinese Communist invasion of Tibet. Ford correctly figured that if he ever expected to get an early release from prison, then his best course of action was to pretend to go along with the communist indoctrination process (the so-called "Brainwashing" procedure). This ruse did work for Robert Ford. However, he afterwards said it was also quite scary; towards the end of his period of incarceration, he found himself actually starting to believe the nonsense they were telling him.
I could believe a similar situation to be found amongst at least some of the JWs, and that this could well extend all the way to the top:
- i.e. some have heard the same lies repeated for so long that they now have difficulty differentiating between fact and fiction.
Sad,mad, bad - plus a lot of other things besides!
A major misadventure!
by Bungi Bill inhi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Bungi Bill
Thanking everybody here for their kind thoughts.
A major misadventure!
by Bungi Bill inhi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Bungi Bill
I have just come back from my appointment with the Outpatients Dept at the local hospital.
The orthopaedic surgeons are very pleased with the way everything has healed, and I have been sent home without a cast on the injured limb. The next step is to have physiotherapy, and the possibility has been raised that I may be able to return to work on apart time basis, while carrying out "light duties" (which in my case would mean sitting at a computer terminal).
Will keep everyon eposted as to progress!
First Visit in Years
by truth_b_known ini bought a house literally in walking distance from the local kingdom hall.
we used to get saturday morning doorknockers on a regular basis.
then it stopped.
Bungi Bill
Most of the ones who have called on me over the last six or seven years have given the impression of being only too pleased to have an excuse to " disengage the enemy, then execute an orderly withdrawal ".
Back when I actually believed in all that nonsense - including the idea that we were indeed carrying out a "Life Saving Work" - we were instructed not to take "No" for an answer.
(Hope this does not sound too much like some disgruntled old veteran complaining that "The New Guys aren't as good as We Was"!)